Datemi case normali per favore, tanto per parafrasare una poesia molto conosciuta. Non so voi, ma sfogliare
immagini di case del tutto irreali o perlomeno reali ma completamente fuori dalla
realtà della stragrande maggioranza delle persone normali, mi stanca e mi
rattristisce. C'è qualcosa di molto poco creativo nel vivere in un ambiente
perfetto, dove tutto è coordinato alla perfezione, dove i divani bianchi
candidi non invitano certo a sedersi e a spaparanzarsi in totale libertà,
dove i cristalli in cucina sono oggetti da esposizione perché toccarli sarebbe
un peccato mortale, dove ogni oggetto è al suo posto perché non è consentito
spostarlo altrove. Insomma, non trovate tutto questo, noioso? Ecco perché mi piace condividere interni vissuti e con
carattere, in cui vivono persone reali e non automi. Il carattere vissuto e la
ricerca della comodità presuppongono anche scelte creative e di gusto, ambienti
in cui gli spazi sono sfruttati bene, colori che fanno sentire bene ospiti e
abitanti. Non condividete? Eccovi una casa vissuta, scovata su dal sapore
autentico, dove le scelte personali di chi la abita, danno originalità a tutto
l’insieme e dove il gusto non è stato delegato a degli estranei fuori dagli
schemi dove il concetto “l’arte per l’arte” è funzionale a sé stesso, ma non a
chi abita la casa.
Give me real homes please, just to paraphrase a well-known poet. I have a strange feeling when I stumble upon home interiors where everything is in perfect order, where decluttering operations have reached unimaginable outcomes, where there are no objects dispersed around, where people seem to be perfect beings, but not certainly human and not certainly messy like everyone else in this world. Interiors in perfect conditions, where sofas do not certainly invite you to cuddle up, where cupboards are untouchable and immaculate, well I find all this a little bit sad and not at all creative. Apartment therapy’s success was determined by the idea that lies behind the site: Share real homes of real people and constantly maintain that connection to reality and real lives. I found this Milan apartment the other day on the Dalani website and I thought I’d share it with you. It is a medium sized apartment, with some very chic interior choices, where coziness and bright colors are its main characteristics. I find it creative, comfortable and that living and that bedroom make me want to relax and take it easy! Enjoy!

Give me real homes please, just to paraphrase a well-known poet. I have a strange feeling when I stumble upon home interiors where everything is in perfect order, where decluttering operations have reached unimaginable outcomes, where there are no objects dispersed around, where people seem to be perfect beings, but not certainly human and not certainly messy like everyone else in this world. Interiors in perfect conditions, where sofas do not certainly invite you to cuddle up, where cupboards are untouchable and immaculate, well I find all this a little bit sad and not at all creative. Apartment therapy’s success was determined by the idea that lies behind the site: Share real homes of real people and constantly maintain that connection to reality and real lives. I found this Milan apartment the other day on the Dalani website and I thought I’d share it with you. It is a medium sized apartment, with some very chic interior choices, where coziness and bright colors are its main characteristics. I find it creative, comfortable and that living and that bedroom make me want to relax and take it easy! Enjoy!

bella...mi piace :)