martedì 11 dicembre 2018


In questo periodo dell'anno siamo tutti alla ricerca frenetica del regalo perfetto. E nessuno o almeno pochi, pensano a pezzi di design, ad accessori per interni che se scelti, con cura e gusto, possono essere i regali perfetti per i vostri amici appassionati di buon design, ma perfetti anche per farvi un meritato regalo a fine anno. Personalmente, preferisco di gran lunga un bell'oggetto di design ad un pigiama colorato o ad una collana qualsiasi. Conoscete tutti il mio amore per gli interni francesi dove pezzi di design vivono simbioticamente e in una perfetta fusione con il design tradizionale e in appartamenti di taglio classico. E quale migliore fonte di ispirazione di Sediarreda, un vero e proprio polo di attrazione, fisico e virtuale, dove si può trovare di tutto, dal comodino di Kartell, alla lampada  a sospensione di Gervasoni, disegnata da Paola Navone, alla lampada a sospensione di Normann Copenhagen. Sediarreda è una fonte inesauribile di design bello e soprattutto di qualità italiana. Scorrendo le pagine del sito, mi sono ritrovata a sognare su molti pezzi che potrei aggiungere al mio soggiorno o a belli accessori/accessibili (scusate il gioco di parole) a tutte le tasche. Pensateci bene quest'anno. Immaginate un bell'interno tradizionale dove quei pochi pezzi dal sapore contemporaneo aggiungono il giusto tocco di colore che eleva in termini di gusto l'intero ambiente. Un bel pezzo di design è il regalo di cui nessuno potrà mai disfarsene facilmente. Lasciatevi ispirare e divertitevi!

In this time of the year,  we are all in a rush for the perfect gift. No one ever thinks of design pieces but in my view, a mindfully choosen design piece would be just perfect for your design addicted friends and parents and for yourself as well. I love furniture pieces as gifts and I would rather and by far appreciate a beautiful object for my appartment that a necklace or just a colorful pajama. You know my love for French interiors where contemporary pieces live in a perfect fusion and symbiotic life with classic design and vintage furniture. Here is a wonderful and uber rich source of inspiration where you buy and get delivered whatever piece of furniture you have in mind. It’s name is Sediarreda which means Furnishing Chairs. Through the years Sediarreda has become an immense pole of attraction on the web for people who love good Italian design and super quality. On the website of Sediarreda I just found myself drooling over every single piece. You can find everything, from Kartell modular nightstands, to wonderfully designed pendant lamps that would add style and make a statement in every interior. My favorite ones are Cupole and Brass pendant lamp, designed by Gio Romano Colonna and the well-known architect Paola Navone. Just think of a classical interior, a beautiful interior where touches of contemporary furniture add elegance and that touch of color that you need to upgrade your living or bedroom. Have fun and choose the right pieces and above all make the gift no one is ever going to get rid of!

lunedì 10 dicembre 2018

Fashion pills with a style icon: Naomi Watts - Pillole di stile con un'icona di stile: Naomi Watts

E' un cruccio che riguarda tutte le donne dell'universo: cosa mettersi la mattina per andare al lavoro. Ad alcune riesce sempre bene, ad altre no. E non è questione di budget o di armadi strapieni di vestiti,  è semplicemente questione di gusto e di stile. C'è chi sostiene che è impossibile costruirsi un proprio stile se non lo si possiede da piccoli. E' vero.... per certi versi. Ma lo stile, parlando di moda ovviamente, si può anche costruire, studiando i colori, gli abbinamenti giusti e mantenendo sempre fede a quei pezzi basici che rendono ogni donna elegante senza sembrare troppo "costruita". In uno degli ultimi serial della sua carriera, Naomi Watts diventa una vera e propria icona di stile, che a mio avviso, stile che conserva anche fuori dal set. Eccovi alcuni outfit senza tempo che chiunque può permettersi, scacciando una volta per tutte la domanda amletica che ogni mattina turba le nostre giornate: mi metto questo o quello? Fino ad arrivare alla solita conclusione permeata dalla nostra solita nota catastrofica: Non ho nulla da mettermi. Buona ispirazione!

Hamlet doubts trouble women's lives on a daily basis: What whould I wear to work? Should I put this or that? Some of us seem to be so perfect every time, and some others just can't work it out. It's not about the budget you have to pend or about how many pieces do you have in your closet. It's about style and taste. And speaking of style and fashionable outfits, we can manage to construct a style of our own and get the right inspiration from people who know more about it than we do. You just need some basic pieces to feel elegant, effortless and not that "constructed". Naomi Watts, a style icon, is one of those over 40 years old women that seem to have a knack for style and is quite good at it. Here are some of her beautiful outfits from her latest serial Gipsy and some other outfits from her street style. Look please, at these pictures and let hour Hamlet doubts just fade away!

mercoledì 28 novembre 2018


Today's post is my personal selection of inspirational pictures (fall outfits and warm interiors) that reflect my idea of autumn. Neutral colors and nuances, rusty coats and bicolor outfits. Hope you find it inspirational. Enjoy and have a great day! 

Continue to enjoy better!

mercoledì 21 novembre 2018


I don’t know if it occurs to you too, but in this time of the year I need to colour my life and everything that surrounds me, from cushions to colorful rugs and bed sheets. While I love that cold minimalist touch of summer interiors, I am more than convinced that warm hues are just essential to me in winter and make me feel high –spirited and energetic. And fall is just about warm colors, falling yellow leaves, brown nature, foliage, dark green hues. That is why I just felt an uncontrallable push to share this wonderful place. Today’s interior is the perfect representation of fall. Its energetic vibes perfectly resonate with the season. There are no white walls, every wall is painted and geometric shapes add that design touch typical of the sixties and seventies, the playroom of the children is also and without a doubt tinged with pastel and bold colors. The living room is a perfect fusion of rattan objects, modern and contemporary furniture pieces along with unique contemporary paintings. Everything in this place reflects its owner. And here we come to the most interesting part of the post. As you all know I am a big fan of the lifestyle blog Insidecloset. It is here where I find my dose of French inspiration and find some of th most beautiful French-styled apartments and houses, owned and furnished by stylish and successful people. What I love most about the blog is the selection of the people featured in it. The website reflects that style and what we call the French allure that French people are so famous for. This wonderfully elegant house belongs to the founder of Goodmoods, Julia Ruel-Dalmaison, a real source of inspiration for fashionable people. Julia lives here with her husband and her three children and could you belive it ... even with a lot of chickens, a dog and a cow. She lives with style and she knows about design don't you think? 

Please enjoy the house tour and the site, just as much I did! 

Non so se succede anche a voi, ma in questo periodo dell’anno sento il bisogno di colorare quello che mi circonda e aggiungere tinte forti all’arredamento, a cominciare dai cuscini, alle lenzuola fino ai tappeti. Ho bisogno di calore e di sentirmi avvolta da un tessuto morbido vicino ad un camino scoppiettante. In Autunno la natura diventa una tavolozza di colori energetici e vitaminici, è la stagione per antonomasia dei colori caldi. Basta guardare gli alberi dei parchi, le foglie gialle e marroni, le tinte di verde scuro della natura. Ecco perché ho sentito quasi uno slancio irrefrenabile di condividere questa meravigliosa casa alle porte di Parigi. Rappresenta semplicemente tutto ciò che l’autunno porta con sé. E’ una casa allegra, colorata di tinte calde, dove ogni parete è dipinta e decorata con motivi geometrici tipici degli anni sessanta e settanta, ma senza per questo risultare démodé. Il soggiorno è una perfetta fusione di mobili in rattan, divani dal design super contemporaneo e quadri geometrici, insomma il mix perfetto di ogni casa tipicamente francese che sa come riportare a nuova vita anche quei “pezzi” che molti occhi poco accorti e poco avvezzi al design considererebbero fuori moda. Tutto in questa casa riflette la sua proprietaria che di interior design sicuramente sa qualcosa. Si tratta di Julie Ruel-Dalmaison, fondatrice di un cahier de tendences, quaderno di tendenze e sito di pura ispirazione, Goodmoods, un punto di riferimento per gli addetti al settore moda e arredamento. Julie vive qui con i tre figli, il marito e l’avreste mai detto….. circondata da galline, una mucca e un cane. E nonostante questi tocchi rurali, vive in grande stile, non credete? Godetevi il tour!

sabato 27 ottobre 2018

Have a great fashionable week-end! 5 Fall outfits! Buon fine settimana all'insegna delle tendenze d'autunno

Hello everybody out there! Have you already done your wardrobe change? I have, but I realize, every year, that I just have to toss a bunch of things and replace them with new ones. That's why I always keep an eye on fashion. Today's post is a random choice of beautiful fall outfits, perfect for work and everyday life. A leather pencil skirt, a pleated long skirt and a belted blazer are just a must for the chilly season and most wonderful time of the year. Leaves falling from the tress, foliage phenomena making everything look so colorful and magical are the ingredients of autumn. Here in Rome, according to the weather forecast heavy rains are expecting on Sunday and today it is so windy and fall seems to be definitely here to stay. So, let's just have fun mixing and matching our favorite clothes and statement pieces. Never give up being comfortable in your clothes and let good taste be your guide. It just helps you feel a little bit empowered! Have a great week-end!

Ciao a tutti! Avete già fatto il cambio di stagione nei vostri armadi? Io l'ho fatto, ma per mia grande sorpresa ogni anno mi ritrovo con diverse cose da buttare e altre da sostituire, insomma una tragedia, come credo per molte di noi. E' buona norma pertanto tenere un occhio sulle nuove tendenze e soprattutto su quello che sta bene a noi, su tutto ciò che crediamo possa farci sentire un po' più sicure di noi stesse. La moda è uno di quegli ingredienti che hanno il potere di farti sentire meglio. Eccovi quindi una scelta di outfit autunnali che vanno bene per chiunque e che si contraddistinguono per combinazione di colori ed eleganza. La gonna dritta di pelle e quella plissettata lunga sono le mie preferite ultimamente. E poi che dire dei blazer con cintura e dei trench di pelle? Insomma, bastano pochi pezzi per fare la differenza. Ispiratevi e buon fine settimana a tutti!

giovedì 11 ottobre 2018

Fall mood - Scandinavian home tour Mood autunnale - Casa scandinava

This small and warm light flooded house in Scandinavia gives me a real autumn feeling. Straw pendants that create such a warm light in every corner of the house, neautral carpets, that beautiful modern fireplace, the pastel blue gray shades are the quintessential elements of this autumn. It's a rainy day today, a typical fall day, it's chilly and gray and am longing for a some rest by the fireplace with a romantic story to read. It is a dream for the moment and let me please dream.... I leave yyou with this Scandinavian home tour but stay tuned for more in the next days! Have a great midweek! 

mercoledì 19 settembre 2018

Overstyling? No thanks - Home tour: Cap Ferret House

There is a prefix in English that I love. It’s “over”. I hear it more and more often  used in different areas and domaines. The other day I stumbled onto an article by Garance Doré on her beautiful blog, Atelier Doré, about overthinking.  Dealing with your projects and future and preventing yourself from overthinking and struggling about everyday issues can you help live better. It is also used by actors who don’t like themselves when they overact. Act and look natural and spontaneous is key to success in Hollywood and it is sooooo difficult to achieve. And by the way, I think it can also be key to keep yourself sane and safe in everyday life as well.  That’s why great actors don’t overact.  
Do you want more? Overdress is another interesting word describing people who don’t know the value of hiding makeup and aren’t aware of the beauty of looking natural and effortless.
Overstyle is our word of the day. While looking at beautifully styled homes I very often find them a little bit too overstyled , lacking personality and history. Overstyling to me is choosing only brand new pieces of furniture, sticking in a very unoriginal way to a trend, to a trendy color, to exclusively contemporary furniture and so forth, which is exactly the contrary of beautiful and well-achieved styling, mixing vintage, diy and design pieces and adding your own history to your home.

French interiors just like French style and fashion is an inspiration for  effortless and beautiful styling. Lately I have discovered a very beautiful site, Inside Closet, which features beautiful houses, beautiful houses of successful women. Guess what I love most? Their homes! They are simply gorgeous, without being overstyled and overstructured. Give a look at this wonderful Cap Ferret house, in South France and then think about how to avoid that “over” in your life. 

giovedì 13 settembre 2018

Minimalist design - Mobili Fiver

Il design minimalista è uno dei trend più diffusi nella decorazione e nel design di interni. Il suo successo è stato determinato soprattutto dalle linee pulite, geometriche ed essenziali dei mobili che ne definiscono lo stile. Una casa con pochi oggetti utili ma di facile e comodo utilizzo è una casa facile da vivere, adatta alle attività quotidiane e soprattutto adatta a diventare una casa aperta agli ospiti. La vita moderna sempre più frenetica, dai ritmi sempre più serrati, ha reso il concetto minimalista sempre più attuale e gli spazi in cui viviamo, ridotti in termini di spazio calpestabile, impongono a noi generazioni e abitanti dei grandi centri urbani, soluzioni di design sempre più pratiche e comode.
Lo stile minimalista è uno stile comodo da vivere ed è per questo che mi piace e chi segue questo spazio web da un po’ di tempo, avrà intuito che i fronzoli da Versailles e da musei barocchi non fanno per me. Forse a piccolissime dosi, in qualche dettaglio decorativo, ma una casa in stile museale, carica di colori e intarsi non rispecchia in nessun modo la mia idea di interior design. Quando mi sono imbattuta nel catalogo di Mobili Fiver sono rimasta davvero colpita dalla pulizia delle linee e dalla bellezza e comodità dei loro mobili e soprattutto dalle consolle che in un batter d’occhio possono trasformarsi in tavoli lunghi e adatti ad accogliere molti ospiti, pur in un soggiorno piccolo. Il tavolo basso quadrato in diversi materiali del legno al teak e al wengé e le consolle collocabili in un ingresso o nell’angolo di un soggiorno o addirittura in camera da letto sono semplicemente tra le mie preferite. Date uno sguardo al sito e scegliete comodamente da casa i vostri pezzi preferiti

Minimalist design has become through the years, one of the most widespread trends in interior decoration. It seems to be everywhere, in decoration pieces, in the clear and geometric lines of house furniture pieces. I find minimialist design functional, essential, edgy and low maintance, which is a key element in my furniture choices. No engravings, no frills and above all no dust. It is the ideal choice for contemporary hectic rhythms, the best and only choice for small apartments that can easily transform into great places for big parties and family activities. In a word, minimalist design can be a great solution and not at all less creative than other styles. You can add different pieces, colors or whatever baroque detail to it in order to mix styles and obtain a more original result. It is far more easy to add color and creative elements to a blank surface.
 A folding table, under the shape of a console can solve you a big problem just in case you want to host a party or add dining chairs to your dining table. Not to talk about the beautiful low tables which look really great in a zen minimalist style living.  Mobili Fiver is one of those revolutionary brands that can easily transform contemporary living and facilitate the life of people living in small spaces and urban cosmopolite centers.  When I stumbled upon Mobili Fiver I just was blown away by the essential lines of the furniture this Italian brand commercializes. You sit on your comfy sofa and order your favorite piece. Here are some pictures of my fave ones.  Have a look at the Mobili Fiver catalogue and then order whatever you like.

mercoledì 1 agosto 2018

Mini home Tour: Paris apartment

There are places where you feel comfortable and at home the moment you step in. That’s what I feel when I come across beautiful places like this. And Paris has that particular flair that captures the attention of everybody. In Paris you feel like stepping into an interior that carries beauty, love for design, contemporary art and classical beauty. Architectural design and styles from the different historical periods mix together in a perfect fusion that gives life to that wonderful city that we all love. Flair and beauty is not something that you can decide to create arbitrarily. We say Rome wasn’t built in a day and cities like Paris and other historical European beauties are the outcome of centuries of art, culture and let’s even say, revolutionary upheavals. Today I want to share this small but very nice Paris apartment with loads of light and the perfect mix of beautiful contemporary furniture, an airy open space living with a beautiful essential and minimalist dining area and bedroom. Please, have a virtual tour of it while dreaming about Paris. 

venerdì 27 luglio 2018

Summer Fashion Tips - E ora parliamo un po' di moda estiva

I am so much into fashion lately. Perhaps it the summer effect w hich brings along the longing for beautiful outfits. That's is why I find myself searching for summer fashion inspiration and scrolling through fashion boards on pinterest. And I have to say, it is quite gratifying because I always find some great outfit for summer parties and summer evening cocktails. Well, here are some of my favorite outfits. Floral patterns and frilling long dresses seem to be everywhere outthere. What I have been also noticing are bold colors that I find so elegant with tanned skin. I am loving bold red dresses, silk green ones and above all yellow, my favorite summer color which stand on the top of my list. Have fun and be fashionable! Have a wonderful sunny weekend!

venerdì 6 luglio 2018

Beautiful colored summer house - Colori d'estate- Una bella casa gioiosa

In today's post I wanted to share a very beautiful colored typical summer house where orange, blue and overall white look just great and create a very nice feeling of joy and energy flooding the entire space. I love the orange sofas and the blue pops of color in the kitchen. The vintage touch of the kitchen furniture and the straw lampshades make the house look so relaxed and just the perfect place to spend some nice time with friends and family. 
And what about the outdoor space and the pastel light colors of the built-in sofas? Everything is perfect and I must admit, this would be the perfect place for me where I would like to be right now. 
Waiting for the perfect holiday time to come, I wish you all a happy wonderful week-end!

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