mercoledì 19 settembre 2018

Overstyling? No thanks - Home tour: Cap Ferret House

There is a prefix in English that I love. It’s “over”. I hear it more and more often  used in different areas and domaines. The other day I stumbled onto an article by Garance Doré on her beautiful blog, Atelier Doré, about overthinking.  Dealing with your projects and future and preventing yourself from overthinking and struggling about everyday issues can you help live better. It is also used by actors who don’t like themselves when they overact. Act and look natural and spontaneous is key to success in Hollywood and it is sooooo difficult to achieve. And by the way, I think it can also be key to keep yourself sane and safe in everyday life as well.  That’s why great actors don’t overact.  
Do you want more? Overdress is another interesting word describing people who don’t know the value of hiding makeup and aren’t aware of the beauty of looking natural and effortless.
Overstyle is our word of the day. While looking at beautifully styled homes I very often find them a little bit too overstyled , lacking personality and history. Overstyling to me is choosing only brand new pieces of furniture, sticking in a very unoriginal way to a trend, to a trendy color, to exclusively contemporary furniture and so forth, which is exactly the contrary of beautiful and well-achieved styling, mixing vintage, diy and design pieces and adding your own history to your home.

French interiors just like French style and fashion is an inspiration for  effortless and beautiful styling. Lately I have discovered a very beautiful site, Inside Closet, which features beautiful houses, beautiful houses of successful women. Guess what I love most? Their homes! They are simply gorgeous, without being overstyled and overstructured. Give a look at this wonderful Cap Ferret house, in South France and then think about how to avoid that “over” in your life. 

giovedì 13 settembre 2018

Minimalist design - Mobili Fiver

Il design minimalista è uno dei trend più diffusi nella decorazione e nel design di interni. Il suo successo è stato determinato soprattutto dalle linee pulite, geometriche ed essenziali dei mobili che ne definiscono lo stile. Una casa con pochi oggetti utili ma di facile e comodo utilizzo è una casa facile da vivere, adatta alle attività quotidiane e soprattutto adatta a diventare una casa aperta agli ospiti. La vita moderna sempre più frenetica, dai ritmi sempre più serrati, ha reso il concetto minimalista sempre più attuale e gli spazi in cui viviamo, ridotti in termini di spazio calpestabile, impongono a noi generazioni e abitanti dei grandi centri urbani, soluzioni di design sempre più pratiche e comode.
Lo stile minimalista è uno stile comodo da vivere ed è per questo che mi piace e chi segue questo spazio web da un po’ di tempo, avrà intuito che i fronzoli da Versailles e da musei barocchi non fanno per me. Forse a piccolissime dosi, in qualche dettaglio decorativo, ma una casa in stile museale, carica di colori e intarsi non rispecchia in nessun modo la mia idea di interior design. Quando mi sono imbattuta nel catalogo di Mobili Fiver sono rimasta davvero colpita dalla pulizia delle linee e dalla bellezza e comodità dei loro mobili e soprattutto dalle consolle che in un batter d’occhio possono trasformarsi in tavoli lunghi e adatti ad accogliere molti ospiti, pur in un soggiorno piccolo. Il tavolo basso quadrato in diversi materiali del legno al teak e al wengé e le consolle collocabili in un ingresso o nell’angolo di un soggiorno o addirittura in camera da letto sono semplicemente tra le mie preferite. Date uno sguardo al sito e scegliete comodamente da casa i vostri pezzi preferiti

Minimalist design has become through the years, one of the most widespread trends in interior decoration. It seems to be everywhere, in decoration pieces, in the clear and geometric lines of house furniture pieces. I find minimialist design functional, essential, edgy and low maintance, which is a key element in my furniture choices. No engravings, no frills and above all no dust. It is the ideal choice for contemporary hectic rhythms, the best and only choice for small apartments that can easily transform into great places for big parties and family activities. In a word, minimalist design can be a great solution and not at all less creative than other styles. You can add different pieces, colors or whatever baroque detail to it in order to mix styles and obtain a more original result. It is far more easy to add color and creative elements to a blank surface.
 A folding table, under the shape of a console can solve you a big problem just in case you want to host a party or add dining chairs to your dining table. Not to talk about the beautiful low tables which look really great in a zen minimalist style living.  Mobili Fiver is one of those revolutionary brands that can easily transform contemporary living and facilitate the life of people living in small spaces and urban cosmopolite centers.  When I stumbled upon Mobili Fiver I just was blown away by the essential lines of the furniture this Italian brand commercializes. You sit on your comfy sofa and order your favorite piece. Here are some pictures of my fave ones.  Have a look at the Mobili Fiver catalogue and then order whatever you like.

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