
giovedì 5 giugno 2014

Room of the week

Isn't this living just stunning? Opened on both sides, in the middle of nature, interiors that communicate with each other, flowing indoor and outdoor atmospheres that blend together to give life to a thought inducing continuum that widens your horizons. Design decorating pieces like the Arco lamp and the Eames chairs are the necessary touches to a an industrial/classical timeless style. 

Questo living è semplicemente meraviglioso. Collocato nel mezzo della natura, si fonde con l'esterno
per dar vita ad uno spazio continuo ed ininterrotto, quasi sospeso e fluttuante che apre gli orizzonti della mente e induce a dolci pensieri. I tocchi di stile sono rappresentati dalle sedie degli Eames e dalla lampada Arco che dona al tutto il sapore di un interno senza tempo, classico e dal retrogusto industriale.

2 commenti:

  1. Stunning room! Open space and natural lighting is THE BEST! Glad I clicked on your comment on ATLANTIC PACIFIC's blog and got led back here to yours. Your blog's pics and layouts are great too, keep it up! Just followed on GFC and bloglovin' <3 I just posted my version of a FRENCH CHIC BIRTHDAY ensemble, with a really cool neckerchief, ALEXANDER WANG leather cut out trousers, ACNE blazer and clutch, it's one of my MOST popular and coolest looks, it would mean lot to me if you comment on it, MERCI BEAUCOUP! #FRENCH

    xx The Provoker

  2. Hi Dear,
    wow, fabulous! Would like to move in within the next minute!!!
    Thank you for sharing
    All the best from Austria
