
venerdì 30 maggio 2014

Adesivi murali Evergreen Orange - Evergreen Orange Stickers - Made in Italy

Caterina is the name of the foundeer and creative behind behind Evergreen Orange Stickers, for more info click here. Stickers are the new trend in interior design and I am beyond happy to have found out that Adesivi Evergreen Orange are made in Italy from Italian design artists. When young artists ask me to talk about their works, I always try to document myself. Decorating with stickers was an idea that I was entertaining for years. When I had the opportunity to give it a try I was amazed by two things: 1.It was the beauty and the effect they created immediately in the room and 2.It was so easy to apply them to the wall and to whatever kind of surface.
Caterina and her collaborators have a special eye on interior design. She graduated from the University of Venice, she is an Architect and took her graduation in Industrial Design. Adesivi murali Evergreen Orange offers such a wide range of wonderful products that you will be blown away by the original touch of the stickers. Here are some of her creations. Aren't they cute?

Caterina è la creativa laurata a Venezia in Architettura e in Industrial Design, e la fondatrice di Evergreen Orange Stickers, azienda giovane cresciuta in un breve lasso di tempo e conosciuta tra chi si occupa di décor e di interior design. Quello degli sticker è un trend che sto rivalutando con il tempo e la convinzione che siano estremamente decorativi e facili da applicare e da coordinare a qualsiasi stile si sta radicando in me sempre di più. Ne ho provato uno a casa e devo ammettere che l'effetto è stato formidabile. Quello che rende il marchio Evergreen Orange Stickers particolarmente interessante è la produzione made in Italy e le tecniche di produzione adottate, altamente tecnologiche e artigianali al contempo. Metteteci in più anche la creatività dell'artista e dei suoi collaboratori, e il risultato è davvero unico. Per farvi un'idea di Evergreen Orange Stickers, cliccate sul sito.

2 commenti:

  1. When those stickers first came out, I wasn't too sure about them. But the ones you show are really nice; they fit so nicely in their environment, especially the last one. Who knows, I might be tempted one day. Never say never, I say ... xo
