
venerdì 3 gennaio 2014

Have a great 2014!

Happy new year to all my readers! Let optimism, at least when it comes to the will to achieve important goals,  walk into your life. Let it in! Will above all, not intelligence, keeps us doing great and wonderful things. I don’t know whether it is a commonly shared feeling, although it seems to be very widely spread, that the beginning of the year provides us with a certain amount of strength and an optimistic view of life.  The year I am leaving behind has been full of joys and lots of physical fatigue. This new year seems to be a little less exhausting, well the toddler is no more a toddler, he is almost turning 3 and a half years old and that remote feeling of blue motherhood seems far away. It is automatic! From the moment I pronounce those words, things just go worse and worse! In a very propitiatory way I’m keeping my fingers crossed and just hope to find a disciplined little boy at home! Well, after this (I Hope) heartfelt and personal preamble, let us welcome the new year with some beautiful interiors for children along with my very best wishes for a wonderful 2014 and a childlike approach to the beauty of the world. 

 For little artists 

Girlish rooms 

  So well organized

 A simple and nice DIY idea.  

1 commento:

  1. Happy New Year to you! What a varied selection of rooms all lovely in their own way. I especially like the second one with the fabulous window seat.
