
lunedì 11 marzo 2013

DIY week-end project - Bringing nature indoor

As promised, here is my week-end DIY project. Here is what you cand do with an old frame, some dry branches and some golden hued acrilic paint. Can't wait for your lovely comments! Have a great week! 

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My My mother is one of the most creative women I know and sometimes, she has a very poetical and idyllic vision of life and things. She gathered that dry branch and saw the future life that was enclosed in it. So she told me “Just keep it, you might use it for some wall art or something else!”. 

  I agreed and here it is transformed into something brand new. I used that old frame, attached the branches on in and this was the outcome.

Then I passed a hand of acrylic paint, which isn’t toxic (that’s a very important point to consider with a toddler around) and really made the difference. Don’t you all agree?

For some more diy gift ideas take a look here: 

3 commenti:

  1. I love the way that gold paint looks matte and interesting !xoxo

  2. How lovely! Such a clever idea. I'm also so impressed you got down to some DIY this weekend :)

  3. That is so simple but powerful! I might copy this idea! :) tell your mum it's fb nd happy Easter!
