
mercoledì 29 febbraio 2012

Bookshelves - Libri.... libri.... libri.....

A room without books is like a body without a soul! - Plato

The phrase above should be engraved in gold letters so that every human being can become aware of the importance of culture and books. I grew up among books, in my parents'home the bathroom also is full of magazines, multilingual books and volumes of all kind. 
With that background, no wonder I love going at the bookstore during my lunch break. Every day I strive to find a little time for myself in order to keep updated with the latest publications, but as every working woman and every mom knows it’s not always possible. Fortunately, very close to my office there is a well furnished bookstore where I have the opportunity to breathe a good amount of culture and get a little updated. Don’t be surprised! I read an entire book (of about 10 pages) with some poetry by W.H. Auden. Amazing!!!! Tell me the truth about love etc. Reading those marvelous poetry lines I wondered on how could I possibly enrich my personal library or better organize my bookcases. I have plenty of volumes, some suffering from lack of space and others waiting to be rearranged. Here are some pictures that inspire me. 

Contemporary style and pure lines! 

Traditional, warm and familiar! 

This is how my library would be if I lived in a loft! 

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